Societal Psychosocial Pressures

As just explained, the ethical controls for society are found within the , while the ethical controls for humanity are found within the .
This Domain difference leads to a difference in psychosocial pressure because of the different forms of TET structure identified and posted in the Hub in 2009.
The disposition of pressures, as shown in the diagram at right, is assumed to be a function of the deeper nature of the Spiral trajectory and therefore independent of the particular pattern of Type≡Mode correspondence.
Societal Controls
The Autonomy as its principal pressure.
is subject toThe Selflessness pressure.
arises from the . The Purpose Domain has a Principal Typology TET constructed as shown at right. It is evident that Type-6 corresponds with Mode-2. That, in turn, means that it is subject to the
The there is no Spiral involved. Each derives from a correspondingly numbered (i.e. L"1 ≡ L'1, L"2 ≡ L'2 etc). As with , the relevant pressures can be determined from the Spiral.
form a that specifies an . However,Check for yourself. But, to help you see it all together in one place, the correspondences are shown in this Table:
Formula | L": Ethical Rule |
L': Ethical Choice Type | Spiral Position | Psychosocial Pressure |
7 | Absolute | Transcendentalist | Mode-6 | Well-Being |
6 | Law | Legitimist | Mode-2 | Selflessness |
5 | Maxim | Communalist | Mode-7 | Acceptability |
4 | Right/Duty | Individualist | Mode-3 | Understanding |
3 | Tenet | Pluralist | Mode-1 | Performance |
2 | Convention | Conventionalist | Mode-5 | Certainty |
1 | Prescription | Rationalist | Mode-4 | Autonomy |
Societal Ethical Vehicle

Ethical Vehicle and now revealed to be subject to an unexpected pattern of pressures.
is theWith regard to the internal duality, we have the identical pressure division found in the Control Field of the Domain Control Complex. In other words, this vehicle is akin to a field and sports a division of pressures into Responsibility v Integration sets. However, the order of the pressures in each set is slightly different.
Responsibilities generate Civic Constraints.
The layout of the iD-Content is shown below. Two pressures remain in the same position, while there is a swap between and .
Tree | Any Domain's Control Field |
Societal Ethical Vehicle |
KL4 | Certainty | RL2 | Understanding | RL5 |
KL3 | Performance | RL1 | Performance | RL1 |
KL2 | Understanding | RL5 | Certainty | RL2 |
KL1 | Autonomy | RL6 | Autonomy | RL6 |
Integration generates Civic Aspirations
The layout of the iD-Context is shown below. Acceptability remains in the same KL5 position, while there is a swap between Well-Being and Selflessness.
Tree | Any Domain Control Field |
Societal Ethical Vehicle |
KL7 | Selflessness | RL7 | Well-Being | RL4 |
KL6 | Well-Being | RL4 | Selflessness | RL7 |
KL5 | Acceptability | RL3 | Acceptability | RL3 |
Societal Ethical Effect
are a form of disembodied authority. The numerous combinations of that is demanded by a structural hierarchy lead to additional forms of disembodied authority. Citizens are expected to as they go about their everyday life.
A detailed account of the here.
is provided in Ch. 9 of Working with Values,which can be downloadedSocietal Ethical Field
Two Trees have been constructed here; and both can be considered Societal Ethical Fields within which function.

The originally developed Tree is named a because using the rule-derived as Centres leads to a structure suggestive of stability in a society. Click on thumbnail to see.
Building a Tree using the Groupings/Requirements leads to a framework that seems to be about a , which is focused on the maintenance of unity and stability in society. Click on thumbnail to see.

While neither the originating Tree nor the final Tree of this Control Complex were published previously, the and the were published in Working with Values as Ch. 8 and Ch.9 respectively and can be downloaded here.
Whichever Tree is regarded as most accurate or suitable, the psychosocial pressures have reverted to the pattern found in the Primal Field because it is assumed that all structural hierarchies (and therefore the Trees that emerge from them) are subject to an identical pattern of pressures.
So the iD pattern is Responsibility v Integration in both cases, as follows:
The iD Content of the Tree is about Civic Aspirations: peace, order, continuity etc for a , and respect for rules, principles and standards and debating of ethical positions for a . These are, not surprisingly, under Responsibility Pressures.
The iD Context of the Tree is about Societal Powers: either ethical frames of reference, imperatives and maintenance of order for a ; or judgement, coercion and submission for a . These are, not surprisingly, under Integration Pressures.
Considering both Originating and Final Trees together, the pattern that has been developed here is shown below:
Integration → 3,7,4 |
Civic Aspirations | L7-L5 Context | Societal Powers |
← Integration
3,4,7 |
Responsibility → 6,2,1,5 |
Civic Constraints |
Content L4-L1 | Civic Aspirations | ← Responsibility
6,5,1,2 |
Originally posted: 4-Sep-2016. Last updated 17-Jan-2023.